Happy Birthday, Mentura

Mentura is celebrating its 15 years or PMR innovation. During that time, we have provided manageability and operational efficiency to different kind of networks that our customers use for managing their operations.

Our product-line has been called the TETRA Management Suite as TETRA has been our primary network platform. We have witnessed the development path of TETRA systems, and pioneered together with our customers and partners the Mission Critical Data services. Since we are doing so much more than TETRA solutions, we also need to rename our offering.

COREMOTE is our concept for smart management of critical operations. This consists of smooth migration to hybrid and broadband network, with true convergence of different network technologies – to enable seamless and secure operations using always the best available networks. The variety of tools for accomplishing this is just getting better. Smarter mobile devices with customisation capabilities, cameras, sensors, readers etc, broadband networks, big data, new ways to interact with the public. It gets more interesting – but more complex. We need to make it manageable to reap the true benefits while guaranteeing the reliability and safety. Technology is a tool, an enabler. Its true value (if any)  is defined by the users.

The centre and focus of the COREMOTE concept is not a network, a device, or even the user. The focus is the professional organisation, the team aiming to complete their important task – whether a daily routine or a critical mission where security of the public or lives may be at stake. Our mission is to offer these organisations innovative solutions for guaranteeing the safety, security and efficiency of their work.

So what is happening to TETRA Management Suite? We are gradually migrating all product functions under the new brand. In the COREMOTE platform, some of the functions will merge to provide more integrated user features. TETRA will remain an elementary part of our expertise, as we see it prevailing as the mission critical voice solution of choice for still many years to come (and of course – it can do lots of data as well).

We want to thank our customers and partners for 15 interesting years, and hope to continue the journey of exploration.